Audio = Stream form the bars below in two parts. There are 6 minutes of Kyroots being read on the audio that is not on the video above.
Audio Download = DOWNLOAD Jan Cox Talk 0289 from Cassette
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Summary = See Below
Diagrams = #131
Transcript = None
Diagram # 131 photo
Summary by TK
#289 Oct 26, 1987 - 1:56
[Kyroot reading to :06. ]
[Ref. Diagram of State from Oct 8, 1987. The Institutions (eg., military, religion, commerce etc) are The People--not buildings, weapons, etc.--and they are a larger reflection of man, but still molecular. Institutions seem deserving, however of a greater reverence and/or fear than any collection of people that comprise the Institution. Why is this? The Few should find it curious and worthwhile of exploration. Why does the concept of an Institution seem to have a greater impact on reality? (The ultimate question is: why are there things?) The People cannot design and build/operate anything external that is not a literal reflection of their internal state. From styrofoam cups to jet engines, everything is a concrete paradigm of internals, of what man is. Everything is business. Everybody is somebody's "bottom line." ]
[In the City there are different neighborhoods, broken down into various categories ethnic, religious etc. Each neighborhood has another that it fears/hates. And the City is open 24 hours--the city never sleeps--because the neighborhoods can't trust each other. The Bushes are the seemingly underdeveloped, unincorporated fringes of the City, and are the object of indifference to City dwellers. They are seen as offering no profitable exploration potential. ]
[In the City everybody remarks how "everything is relative" to the degree it is a cliché. But everything is relative; real relative--binary concepts couldn't be closer kin. Example of Flatland beings observing scissors cutting thru their plane of perception as two separate blades (armies) apparently in conflict (but 'relative'), where the reality seen from further dimensional perspective is unitary. ]
[The City seems to be a closed system--so questions of where does extra energy come from must be treated by The Few with the "NMAT" dictum (Never Mind All That). Only 3-D events can inhabit the realm of the 3-D— i.e., be impossible or possible. The Real Revolutionist must be able to insert himself into the loop of the seeming impossible in the 3-D world. Even if the Real Revolutionist does lack the means of accomplishing his goal, he would refuse to accept that as the case. ]
[Re: boredom. In the attempt to avoid 'boredom' the Real Revolutionist has got to first get out of the City since there's nothing new there anyway. Then: attempt to do the new; or overdo the old. Never let 'your song' be played in the City--or change it if it should be played. ]
[ New motto for the Real Revolutionist: "If it seems to last beyond the initial flash--it's meaningless". The Real Revolutionist should have a 'short attention span'; got to keep moving. Also, consider: bush boredom is infinitely preferable to what used to keep you excited in the City--suffering. ]
[People in the City always say: "don't take it personally"--but nobody takes anything personally anyway. Only things that can take the personal blow, is the neighborhood, the genetic pattern you are part of. Only the Real Revolutionist can take things really personally; he must do this or he cannot see, learn about or from anything. ]
[1:51 Epilog re: group expansion