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You have reached the Jan Cox Intro website, which is being slowly rebuilt. We have moved jancox.com to WordPress to become our main, complete site. As an archive, it contains several thousand pages of material pertaining to the work of Jan M. Cox. For talks missing here go to: Jancox.com

Jan Cox was an American secular Mystic, a Teacher, in the spiritual and philosophical sense of the word.  This website is being built by the people who were present when Jan began his years of teaching, the ones who received the tidal wave of talks, maps, and tasks Jan directed their way.

Rather than fruitlessly argue about what is real and what is not, Consider it in these terms:
There is the silent, Primary Reality in which man physically exists, and then a Secondary Reality which is the product of his mental activity. If you orient yourself for the moment on this basis, much needless confusion can be avoided, and your sight clarified.

The subject here is the mind, “you,” the process called “consciousness,” and how it works. Alternatively, one can see this activity as the removal of barriers to sight, so as to produce a skill once called "The Direct Perception of Reality."  In any case, Relax, you are not what you think.

Dive right in!  You will encounter Jan’s words and maps with very little interpretation or explanation—we trust the value of this approach will soon become apparent. Click HERE to go to The Intro Talks

It is important to understand that all guides or suggestions are “maps,” and a map is something you throw away once you get to where you are going.  Hence Jan wrote, The Story of the Ants.

And if you want a podcast, just open your favorite podcatcher and search on "Jan Cox." You should see "Jan Cox Talks 2500 - 2599," and then subscribe.  Your app will download the audio files to the limits you have set in the app.  So if you 'keep 4', you will always have about 2 hours with you.