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Jan Cox Talk # 186, Dec 5, 1985, runtime 1:18
[Posing: an attempt to alter the current biochemical status of the organism. The 3 circuits: each circuit has 3 levels, low, mid and upper (see Diagram 67). The mid Red Circuit touches Blue Circuit, the upper Red Circuit touches Yellow Circuit. Consider the Blue Circuit: upper Blue Circuit is partially active in all Yellow Circuit operations --e.g., thru hormones the Blue Circuit determines what the organism thinks about, what it cares enough about to think of. Yellow Circuit believes itself independent of Blue Circuit, but commingling is the reality. Yellow Circuit always has its basis in the Blue Circuit (not to mention Red Circuit). You should make an attempt to "think what you feel”, i.e., see (the view from the as-it-were pure Yellow Circuit) what the mathematical profitability of your emotional energy transfer is. To what end does the Blue Circuit transfer avail? What does that energy expense accomplish? ]
[Life uses religion to directly alter human biochemical status. Religious proscription to civilize at Red Circuit level. Blue Circuit level thrust to make man "feel" better - i.e., remove responsibility and guilt. Yellow Circuit level to make men "think" better, more efficiently, smarter--i.e., technology/science. Life has 3 basic religions corresponding to the 3 circuits. ]
[More on the Masterstroke. The "Greater Program" (Not-I, out there) and the "Lesser Program" (internal, I). Obviously the Greater Program has to necessarily be much more complex and sophisticated than the Lesser Program since it includes your Lesser Program along with all others. The Lesser Program never sees this; believes the Lesser Program has free will, that some Lesser Programs are unnatural, out of control, etc. ]
["Psychological shocks" as literal mechanical biochemical alterations --no special head theorems exist. Reactions to death of family member or familiar person is a recycling of energies --biochemical alteration. Energy circulation.
Document: 186, December 5, 1985
Copyright(c) Jan M. Cox, 1985
I am going to point out a few things connected with what seems to be ordinary mortal life and the unrecognized, biochemical basis of what is commonly called posing. I could point out the extreme example of models posing in magazines, all the way to people looking thoughtful, people looking fearful, people trying to look humble, to your own ordinary posture. The common thread running through these examples is that they are all attempts to alter the biochemical condition of the person posing.
Whatever you are doing is altering, to some degree, the biochemical makeup, the automatic reactions of your hard-wired biochemical condition. For example let's say you are in a certain condition. Then someone of the opposite sex goes by; someone of the same sex goes by; someone in a Rolls Royce drives by; someone in a pickup truck with a gun rack in the back roars past; and you shift your position. It may be as simple as moving your hip, dropping your head, looking down as the car and the people drive by, turning around and looking them dead in the eye, or suddenly looking away. All of that is posing, and all of it is an attempt by the organism to alter its biochemical condition.
I'm going to try and expand this even further with my diagram of the three circuits. I can draw this as three rings, all interlocking. The Red Circuit, or lower ring, is the oldest circuit in man. The middle ring represents the Blue Circuit, and the upper ring, the Yellow Circuit. You should, however, remember that my map is intentionally flawed. Each Circuit should be considered as having three different levels: for example, the Red Circuit has a mid-level where it touches the Blue Circuit, and an upper level where it touches the Yellow Circuit. The reason I point this out is that, like everything else you can ordinarily conceive, none of these circuits exist in isolation.
I am trying to direct your attention to an area which I have never pointed out specifically. If we use ordinary terminology to describe the Blue Circuit as the seat of apparent human emotions, I'm telling you that it exists on three different levels. If the heart of pure emotion (whatever that might be) is found in the mid part of the blue ring, then when you reach the upper level of the Blue Circuit (where the Blue touches the Yellow Circuit), the emotion becomes watered down. You could say that it is then partly emotion and partly thought.
I want to direct your attention to the point where the Blue Circuit -- the so-called emotions -- comes into direct contact with the Yellow Circuitry. There, the upper level of the Blue Circuit is partially operative in most Yellow Circuit activities. One way of looking at this interplay is that the Blue hormones decide what the organism is going to think of; the Blue Circuit at that level decides what it feels is important enough to merit thought. The Yellow Circuit's function then is to determine how best to think the thought.
It is quite easy for the Yellow Circuit to think of itself as being the domain of abstract ideas and concepts, such as mathematics. But by and large, what the Yellow Circuit is going to think of is commingled with what the Blue Circuit feels is important enough to merit thought, and this includes mathematics. Down where the Blue Circuit and the Yellow Circuit are commingling, the Blue Circuit has a feel for what is of some importance to your organism. It feels as though, "This is important enough to think about."
I must remind you that this is not a lineal situation. It's not that something piques the interest of the Blue Circuit and then moves to the Yellow Circuit. If you could see this process taking place, it would be more along the lines of the Yellow Circuit receiving the feeling that, "This is important enough for me to think about", and simultaneously determining how it will think about it. It is a case of the higher areas of the Blue Circuit co-mingling in the lower and mid areas of the Yellow Circuit. If I run this description backwards linearly, then the Yellow Circuit would have thoughts, not only about what the Blue Circuit is sending up, but what it thinks about the feeling that originated from the Blue Circuitry.
In light of that, I will pose this question: who is talking internally inside you, about the way you feel? Is there one voice in you that says, "I want to go do so-and-so," and simultaneously says, "No you don't." I ask you, in terms of the many ways that Life works though Man -- are they the same voice? Would that be efficient?
You should be able to see, through my hints and descriptions, that it is not the same voice. But what should strike you immediately is that ordinarily, people do not think about the mind being somehow connected with the emotions. They would never even consider that the emotions might, in some way, be the basis of what they think. An ordinary "thoughtful person" -- a Yellow Circuit-centered individual -- would only see the two circuits as being each others' nemesis.
Since the birth of the Yellow Circuit in Man, people have been saying, "Look, you should not be carried away by your feelings. You'd be much better off if you were calmer, if you were more rational." Simultaneously, other people have been waving flags, saying, "Listen, we are getting far too entangled in the mind. We're beginning to ignore the human spirit. We must have music, art, passion. We've got to have people who cry out when they're hurt, people who laugh when they are happy. We can't have the world taken over by intellectuals." So there you have what seems to be an eternal battle going on, and it's going on in everybody at Line level.
As long as you are operating at Line level, as long as you are being fueled primarily by one of the circuits that seems to be speaking for you, you cannot see the connections between the circuits. Only when you get above the Line can you see that the circuits are distinctly connected. You see that the Yellow Circuit does not simply pluck out of the sky, "I believe I will be an intellectual. I will sit down and read the most non-passionate work on philosophy I can find." You simply understand that the Blue Circuit is at the basis of the feeling.
No matter what you identify as going on in one circuit of your nervous system, another circuit had a feeling for it or you wouldn't be talking about it. Even if you are thinking about science or mathematics: for you to have thought the words, somewhere in your wiring is the feeling of how it is for you to be thinking such thoughts. A feeling would be built into the wiring structure of the nervous system about how it is to be a person who faithfully reads monthly issues of science magazines, or how it is to be someone who studies algebra and trigonometry.
You should be able to see that the circuits can turn back on themselves, and not just the Blue and Yellow. Have you never tripped over your own feet while thinking about something "important"? Have you never noticed that the Yellow Circuit turns into apple jelly when you have a cold?
I am going to describe a way in which you can attempt to see these connections in your own wiring structure. Quite simply, try to think what you feel. Take what would be the Yellow Circuit operating in its purest form (thoughts) and try to turn it into a kind of absolutely precise mathematical analyzation of what you are feeling. Forget about your past, forget where the feelings you feel came from. Simply turn the coldest, highest light of ordinary Yellow Circuit activity on the words. Attempt to turn yourself into the proverbial dispassionate intellectual, and look at the way your emotional life seems to run. Don't discuss it with yourself. Don't attempt to get into a conversation with your voices about, "Well, wait a minute, now you know I feel like this because of so-and-so." Just look upon what is occurring in as cold and clinical a way as possible. Ask yourself, "Is this feeling mathematically profitable? Is it even mathematically correct?"
You should see that the closer you get into pure Yellow Circuit activity, the less it is interested in comparisons. You simply try to look upon the workings of the Blue Circuit as dispassionately as possible. Then, if the circuits did exist in isolation, it would be as if the Yellow looked at the Blue and said, "Alright, every time it rains, you get depressed. Every time your new boyfriend or girlfriend doesn't call within a ten hour period, you start wringing your hands. You start assuming, 'The gig is up again. Someone loved me for a night, but they immediately saw that I am just a worthless piece of garbage.'" Don't drag the Blue Circuit into the conversation. The Yellow Circuit, at its upper level, has no interest in "why" or "compared to what". At that level, the Yellow Circuit operates dispassionately, scientifically. It might say to the Blue Circuit, "I see you repeating things over and over; I see you continue to do certain things and then whine about it. Would you please explain this to me. Would you give me an equation explaining this." And then the Blue Circuit might say, "Well, it's a long story, going all the way back to my childhood. Some of it is so repressed, I probably don't even know about it. I admit that sometimes I'm not at my best; that's why I need analysis. But -- it's explainable. Certain situations and circumstances arise and it puts pressure on me, and I operate in the only way I can. I cry, I drink, I go into moods of deep depression -- sometimes for a whole day." Then the Yellow Circuit could say, "I see. But do your repeated actions, in response to the circumstances, lessen their affect? Do your actions lessen the affects of what you say are the causes? What does your response accomplish?"
Now, the Blue Circuit has nothing to say. Of course, it would never feel intellectually guilty. It could get annoyed at being questioned, but by the time it did, the Yellow Circuit would begin to get sort of intellectually annoyed. It would be in the sense that "You dunderhead. You keep saying that you want two and two to equal four, and yet you keep putting things together in such a way that two and two equals five. And now I've asked you to look in several different ways, and you don't see it."
I've made the example almost cartoonish, but in a real sense, that would be thinking what you feel.
See if you can find any connection between my descriptions of the Circuits, and this: Life is continually attempting to alter man's biochemical condition. Life uses what amounts to three religious approaches flowing through humanity to directly and specifically alter a person, a group of people, a race, a community. Life uses these approaches to produce change within its own body. You could look at it in one way as Life acting upon the Red Circuit areas to make man behave better, to make him more civilized. Though it may appear that there is a linear progression here, let me remind you that growth is nonlinear. There are people still toiling in parts of Life's body today, doing similar work to those who toiled centuries ago. But they are not somehow backwards, or wrong. That is simply how it must be. Those people are doing work that needs to be done; today that job requires fewer workers. More people are now involved in other areas of Life's body where change is occurring.
Thus in the second instance, you can see Life moving into the Blue Circuit areas to make man "feel better". In terms of the decline of man's involvement with self-condemnation, there is more tolerance in specific areas. However, it is not across-the-board, and it never will be. But in areas such as the acceptance, to a large extent, of alcoholism and the mental illness as hereditary diseases rather than weaknesses; the movement towards treating drug addiction as a disease -- these are all indications of alterations occurring in man's Blue Circuit. This alteration apparently just happens in certain areas -- that is, a certain group seems to be moved by something. The people involved may explain what they are doing in any number of ways, but the reality is that Life is moving in such a way that it amounts to almost a Blue Circuit religion to make people feel better.
Lastly, you can see Life moving though the Yellow Circuit in what amounts to a religious way to make man think better, think more efficiently. A prime example is that women now find themselves attracted to This Activity. Until now women by-and-large have never been moved to transform, to transmit, and to transfer energy at the Yellow Circuit level. There was just no need for women to expand the areas in which they thought. But now, there is a change taking place in women's Yellow Circuitry. That is just one example. In the parts of the world that are now apparently the most evolved, the most civilized, the I.Q.'s continue to rise. Children can now do things with computers that their college-educated parents can't. A parent may read that "computers are the wave of the future" and buy one for his child. He may fool around with it until he unknowingly realizes he's not wired up to work with computers, although the verbal explanation might be, "Computers are just not my thing."
You should be able to see, in a particular way, that Life is not going downhill by any means. In regard to all Three Circuits, everything is moving in a splendid fashion. In a real way you should be able to see that Life has three general religions, whether they are known as religions or not, which fit into my particular mapping of the organism called Man. If the circuits could be isolated, you might say that Red equals behavior, Blue equals feelings, and Yellow equals thinking, and that all three are continually being prodded by Life. You can see certain groups of people being moved through the Red circuit, certain groups through the Blue, and others through the Yellow. You can see enough to realize that Life is running a religion through people and you can see how the circuits are being affected. Life is trying to make them behave better, feel better or make them think more efficiently.
Let me point you in another direction. I am going to use the terms "a greater and a lesser program". The greater program would be the apparent "out there", the life of Life itself, the "Not-I" in my equation of I + Not-I = Everything. The lesser program would be the individual, your own internal and private areas. Do you see that the greater program has to be (to put it as an understatement) much, much more complex than the lesser programs? It has to contain each and every lesser program. You must understand that the greater program -- "out there" -- contains every program that's not you. Plus, it contains your program.
A part of Life's master stroke is that people have the sensation of free will. Part of the basis of that feeling is this: they see another person reacting to certain conditions in a way different than they are wired to react, and the conclusion is, "There is a reality to freedom because under those same conditions, I would never react like that. I would choose to react another way." But a person can only react according to their own nervous system wiring. What they are seeing and not recognizing is that the greater program contains all of the lesser programs.
I could say that everyone has a unique lesser program, based on the way their circuitry operates. If we took everyone on this planet -- all the lesser programs -- can you see the possibility that the greater program might be no more then just that -- a combination of all the lesser programs? If this were seen, there would be no more question of right and wrong behavior; no fuzzy sensation of, "Wait a minute, there is freedom of will, there is no doubt about it. We are all responsible for our actions."
Most of you have seen movies with a scene where a priest is talking to a policeman. The policeman says, "I remember when we used to play stickball over here on Main Street, you, me, and the others. Hey, do you remember so-and-so? He's sitting on death row right now. But the poor guy, you remember where he grew up, in that run-down neighborhood. What else could you expect, growing up in that kind of environment? As a matter of fact, all of his friends began with petty crime, and went on to worse things." The priest then responds, "Yeah, but look at his brother. He's studying for the priesthood, and he was raised under the same conditions." This kind of scenario happens continually and not just in movies. And it just stops the scene. Once the conversation has reached this point, there is nowhere else it can go. It just comes to a close.
At Line level, the lesser program is continually making the unspoken, unanalyzed assumption that people can and will respond in a variety of ways to the same set of circumstances. Everyone at Line level is wired to feel this way. The feeling is, "I agree the circumstances may have been less than comfortable, but the guy's a low-life. I would never have done what he did under those same conditions." All they're saying is that everyone has a lesser program, and that all lesser programs are contained within the greater program. This is yet another of Life's masterstrokes. It continues to produce in man the feeling that, "Something can be done. People don't have to act the way they do. The proof is, I, for example, would have done it differently. Thank goodness men are free to make choices." It provides the necessary fertilizer for growth.
People are telling the truth. But what they cannot see is that, given the circumstances they describe, they would react in the only way they can, according to their own lesser program. It is not something they choose. People cannot see that there is a greater program, and within it, every lesser program. There are no unnatural programs, unnatural reactions, despicable nor unprofitable actions. People believe otherwise, as they must. Such beliefs are necessary for Life's growth. But in the instantaneousness of one's life, there is no unnatural program.
Let's look at another scenario from the movies. This time two policemen are talking. One says, "You remember Billy? We've been trying to question him, but we're getting nowhere. You arrested him twice before, and I believe if you'd just walk into the interrogation room, the sight of you might produce a psychological shock and make him talk." Life had somebody write that scene. The policemen walks down the hall, stops by the coffee machine, talks a minute, then opens the door. The first policeman says, "Hey, Billy." The guy looks up into the camera, and you see that flash of recognition appear upon his face. You see the hard persona begin to crack, and you know the policeman was correct. The mere sight, the presence of the first policemen produces an absolute "psychological" shock. The prisoner's tough facade is gone. You know he is about to talk.
What do people believe they are talking about when they speak of a "psychological shock"? Can you see that there is no such thing as psychological shock? What is occurring is an alteration in the biochemical condition of the convict. When he is confronted by the policeman who arrested him twice previously, he remembers the trial, the plea bargaining, the jury, the judge, the years he spent in jail, and it alters his biochemical condition. This all occurs in a snap, of course, and it does produce change. But it is not a psychological shock. It is a mechanical, biochemical shock to the man's memory, and he will react: "Alright, I'll tell you. I did it. Just get that guy out of here, away from me."
People believe they are talking about something real when they use the term "psychological shock". The manifestations are real, but you should begin to see that everything is based upon alterations in your own chemical balance. You cannot continue to accept a "psychological shock" as being a unique occurrence. It's a biochemical alteration, no more unique than the blood flowing in your veins or the inhalation and exhalation of your lungs. And it's almost impossible to remember.
Attempt to Neuralize this: Two people are sitting around in a relaxed condition, listening to music. If we were standing outside the window of their house, apparently both of them seem to be enjoying themselves. One says, "I just got this great, new record. It's by so-and-so." They pour themselves a beer and put on the record. One of them knows that the artist on the record died that morning. The second one doesn't know. The first is aware that the second one doesn't know. As they listen, a feeling of rapport develops between each man and the performer. Can you see that if the second person were suddenly told, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, he died last night", the feeling of rapport between the one who didn't know and the performer would change? Why? What has happened? A biochemical alteration has occurred in that person, upon hearing of the performer's death.
Ordinary people would interpret this as, "Well, of course. He liked that performer, and when he suddenly found out that he was dead, he was taken aback. It's only human to feel depressed in such a case." But what kind of knowledge is it to say, "It's only human"? The feeling of a relationship with that performer existed in our man's memory, whether he knew him or not. What happened was a biochemical alteration in that person's chemistry upon hearing sound waves, hearing knowledge that the performer died.
I am not just talking about records and famous people. A biochemical alteration occurs when you hear of anyone's illness or death. This can occur in two ways: one alteration occurs in your memory of the person. Or, in the real sense of the word, your imagination of them. You apparently had a feeling of relationship towards the person, even if you had never met him. You pick up the paper and read that your favorite author died. And, something seems to happen to you. But it is not what would normally be called the ordinary flow of human emotion. Line-level consciousness cannot perceive the literal, physical alteration in the biochemistry of the individual's lesser program. There's nothing foolish happening, nothing being wasted. It's not that there are weak people, or overly-emotional people, nor people who always bring bad news. The purpose of these alterations is to keep energy flowing, and consciousness cannot see it.
From one viewpoint, you could say, "How silly. How can anybody get upset over the death of someone they never even met?" And from there, you could attack memory as being the cause of such feelings. But memory is not a foe of Man. Without memory, Man couldn't build anything. Each time something was invented, it would immediately be forgotten, and they would have to go through the entire process of inventing it all over again. Memory is not a personal Pandora's box of psychological traumas, that must be redone. You can't go back and redo the past.
What I want you to see is that there are continual biochemical alterations taking place. You pet the dog, and the dog reacts to it. You pet your sexual partner, and they react. You stick out your tongue at somebody. You remember someone in a harsh manner. You take all of this as being some kind of emotional, personal occurrence, or you perceive it as a kind of intellectual process taking place. What you do not see is energy constantly being transferred from one person to another. It can take place through words, or internally through memory. It is a recycling of energy, in the living organism called Life.
Biochemical alterations are constantly happening. At Line-level consciousness, it is nearly impossible to remember that everything you feel, everything you think, every way you behave is a biochemical reaction. And it is even more nearly impossible to remember that the thing apparently thinking, feeling, moving and behaving is likewise an absolute biochemical process.