Diagram 116
Re Talk: 267
Diagram # 116 illustration
All in all, the difference between ordinary people and the real revolutionist is that ordinary men accept Life as being something other than themselves. If you could point an ordinary man's attention toward the equation,
"I + Not-I = Everything,"
he would see himself quite clearly as the "I." Also, he would clearly see the "Not-I" as something other than him. An ordinary man makes a clear distinction between what he regards as "I" and everything else. Now point your attention toward another distinction: the difference between such an ordinary man and a real revolutionist is that the revolutionist would know better than to believe that.
Here is another variation of the equation:
"I + My Problems = My Life"
Again, an ordinary person could probably relate to this, and would clearly feel that "My Problems" are separate from "Me." This must be so. If it were not, there'd be no need for priests, rabbis, or psychiatrists. There would be no fun in having beer drinking buddies. What would you have to talk about? What could you confess? What would you have to solve if it were not true that problems are external to you?
"My problem is my relationship with my mate." "My problem is I don't have enough money." "My problem is I feel less than qualified to be a homo sapien." All of those appear to be, without any doubt, external problems. And for ordinary people, they are.
The belief that problems are external stabilizes people, keeps them resistant to change, though from a 3-D view, it appears otherwise. "Listen, you've got to analyze your problems, communicate your problems, get in touch with them. You have to be familiar with your problems before you can change your life." It would appear that those people who can "deal with their problems" most effectively have the greatest potential to change, right? Of course that is not right.
Only a real revolutionist -- one driven by a sense of revolution -- can begin to face such apparently pessimistic information and accept it nonchalantly. Because the revolutionist suspects that a part is missing from all 3-D information. He can face even shocking, disruptive, insane information, since he is part of the loop that goes outside 3-D consciousness. Only the ordinary get upset about the inevitable.
As long as you have the feeling that "Me" and "My Problems" are separated by a "+" sign -- as long as your system is wired up and fueled on that basis -- your life (and the life of most of humanity) remains very stable. To say the least, you remain extremely resistant to change, all the while believing change is possible.
The real revolutionist would have to deal with so-called "problems" in a unified way. There would have to be a merger between what appears to be inner and outer, internal and external. This continuing merger would go far beyond any binary appearances, and would result in the revolutionist having very little to say about "problems." A revolutionist would be unable to "externalize his deepest fears and longings." In short, he would not be an up to date kind of guy. There would be almost nothing for him to say vis a vis what everyone else calls problems. JC talk 267