Diagram 109
Re Talk: 251
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[“Explain yourself"(written on board) is the designer equivalent of prison garb. Everyone explains failure but cannot explain creative process. Thus such areas are avoided altogether. Life drives, pressures moment by moment, everyone to explain themselves, thus they normally avoid true creative activity. J's "holy camole" cannon: Don't explain shit!!. Red Circuit acts; Yellow Circuit thinks about it; Blue Circuit is the closest approach the Red Circuit can make to Yellow Circuit function. When lacking 'facts' (Yellow Circuit food) the Blue Circuit is the fallback position: emotional response/explanation. But remember, Blue Circuit response is a legitimate, efficient form of fact/Yellow Circuit info (conveyance of energy). Whereas Yellow Circuit persuasion people disapprove, discount this information efficacy. But its efficacy (of Blue Circuit info/response) is perfect --required-- it is the Red Circuit's finest and highest refinement. Connection to 2 types of psychological treatments: behavior therapy and insight therapy. Change-action Vs.change-thinking-of-action. ]
["Figured out" (written on board) is not what Life needs, rather it needs enough people involved in the figuring out process/struggle: The Few. Life does not need any more nouns; those struggling to become nouns are not doing This Thing. Nouns attempting to become nouns are ipso facto doomed never to succeed because Life needs no more nouns. "Conclusions are the refuge of the witless; the harbor of the inane". Conclusions are absolute bar to the domain of shifting certainties and unstable knowledge (the 'good stuff' blacked out in pornographic pictures). Homonym of conclusion for the Few: concussion.]
[To do the Extraordinary you must do what is extraordinarily useless. The ordinary cannot see or do the useless, except in temporary insanity. How could any reasonable person pursue any activity not to a hoped-for finality?? ] TK notes 251