Diagram 108
Re Talk: 249
Diagram # 108 illustration
Each person can be seen as a community. Using the ordinary definition of community, this would be a group of some size at a specific location, with a common culture and history, who would feel themselves to be distant from the larger body of humanity as a whole. In that sense, can you see that each person could be seen as their own community? I point this out to try and remind you why I use such apparently external examples as politics, government, and religion. They are to enable you to see that all of this is reflected within the wiring system and genetic makeup of individual people. Internally, you would fit into this routine definition of the word, "community" -- because internally you have a governing aspect and you have the governed. You have the artistic aspect within the community of you -- and you have the critical aspect, i.e., the critics. Another picture I've verbally drawn for you is that of the internal partnership, and that can be extended to the picture of the corporation. Within each community/person, there is a necessary flow of power going on. This necessary flow of power is not only between individual people, individual communities, and individual nations -- but is also going on inside of you. Otherwise, you would not be able to transfer power or energy to any other community.
Regarding people as communities, I have another description of the breakdown of communities into levels. Everyone can be seen as an oasis, a village, or a city. You can see this as individual communities throughout the world, and you can see it in the individuals inside these external communities. All of these run progressively from the first to the third, and they become increasingly large and complex.
Whether I'm speaking physically of allegorically, the simplest of these -- the oasis -- would be a temporary meeting place. It would be concerned with meeting Red Circuit needs. It would be a place of occupants coming and going; a place dealing with the first stage of someone becoming civilized. In a community, whether we're talking about you or the Chinese, there is a first stage; the stage where individuals meet temporarily for the purpose of taking care of Red Circuit needs.
The next stage would be the village. It would be a little more complex, with at least some semi-permanent structures and institutions. There some social needs would be met, whereas in the oasis, there would be no social needs. In the village, the semi-permanent structures would offer a certain degree of apparent safety. You would also begin to have more artistic or leisure time. Some group activity, such as communal dancing would develop, and thereby, the first appearance of some kind of Rules of Conduct.
A more complex city would be the next step -- where thinking of action would be almost as important as action; a quantum leap from the village. JC talk 249