Diagram 095
Re Talk: 56, 224
Diagram # 095 illustration
You should also Neuralize my diagram of the Xross on a slightly larger scale, outside of what appears to be the individual struggle within yourself. The Horizontal Line that seems to be the external world, and the Vertical Line which I originally intended for everyone to consider as being your internal state, your consciousness -- continually cross. There seems to be a movement of time flowing along this two-dimensional line from your left to your right, like the past going into the future; and the Vertical Line is a man's level of consciousness. It is you internally. Where these lines meet is where the external conditions and the internal states continually meet as vectors. But can you, after all of this, Neuralize that right there, on the larger scale of Life itself there is an astounding juncture -- the flows of energy meet on this level in a way that is unique. And that point is Man. It is not just you individually. It is flows of energy that do not manifest themselves in any other creature. It is a simply astounding confluence of energy going in different directions and it meets and interacts right at that intersection. This juncture does not just exist internally within you, you also exist in it. And it is astounding. Then what is doubly astounding is, when you See it, you understand that there is a Future/Now. It's right there to the right of the Vertical Line. Or -- let's turn it around ninety degrees:
Can you see that we now have essentially my diagram of the nervous system. And can you relate the two diagrams to each other? Everything that was the past has now become everything below the Line and you're attempting to get above the Line of Consciousness into the Future/Now.
Below Line-level there is a feeling which is proper, without which nothing would occur, that says "I am separate from everything else." There is no possible way to prove otherwise to the ordinary man. Man feels, "I am separate from the environment." "Humanity could go out and simply destroy this planet. They could go out and just unwittingly or wantonly tear down the environment and destroy the animal life, and the first thing you know, boy we'd be sorry."
Man is locked into the feeling that he is, in some way, uniquely separate from the environment. If an ordinary man cared to listen to this idea, you could show him my Xross and he would simply take it as reinforcement for his previous feelings of isolation. "Yeah, I see what you mean. There is the external world, the environment out there, and then there is me, my internal state and, yes, you're right. We do cross. There's a continual juncture. I have to put up with all this insanity. I have to make my way. I have to deal with people." And you could say, "No, no, listen quick, see where they meet, that's where you are and you're not separate from the environment." But unless he's struggling to be more than ordinary, you would be wasting your breath. JC talk 56