Diagram 078
Re Talk: 205
Diagram # 078 photo
METHOD: Ref: Diagram (human figure with inverted triangle: base between ears as line level consciousness, and apex in center of pelvic girdle). Two steps: be aware that the triangle physically exists; continually feel it. 2) keep it balanced at all times--both inwardly and outwardly. Keep the line of consciousness base over the apex located in the pelvic center. You cannot physically suffer or otherwise be you if you are mindful of keeping the triangle balanced. This allows a kind of scanning/neuralizing from a non-directional center of the plane of consciousness. Consciousness w/o an object vs. consciousness of (an object). Diagram is drawn imbalanced, must keep it level with two equal, symetrical sides. That physical triangle, though not in any physiology book, is there and supports Line Level Consciousness, and when balanced in you, you wont be you. JC talk 205