Diagram 076
Re Talk: 204
Diagram # 076 photo
Picture again my drawing out the circuitry of humanity into the Red, Blue and Yellow Circuits. From bottom to top, these circuits represent what would normally be thought of as the basic life and health of the body, the emotions, and the area of the intellect. This is of course a limited and simplified treatment of that map; I remind you again, no one circuit exists in isolation from the others. They should not even be referred to as the Red, Blue or Yellow Circuit, but rather as the Red Circuits, the Blue Circuits, and the Yellow Circuits. Imagine a line drawn right through the middle of all three circuits. While I realize you do not meet people with this line drawn through them, the reality of it exists. If I were being closer to the truth, this picture would be drawn with the Red and Blue Circuits below the Line and the Yellow above. But to keep you self described emotional types from being even more uncomfortable than you normally are I have drawn it this way. I could also point out, in reference to my mapping of the time zones, that at the Line or above, is the current time zone, while that which is below the Line can be described as a time zone to the "west," or an hour behind.
Now, I am going to map out a certain area, a specific mechanism within Life itself. This mechanism is reflected in parts of Life's body such as politics and sociology, and since such everyday topics "make sense" to ordinary consciousness we will start from there. Remember that while these descriptions apparently focus on the political arena they cover much, much more territory.
Life, speaking through man, divides up the body politic into the conservatives and the liberals, the right wing and the left. According to the liberal viewpoint, which we'll call the voice of the present time zone, right wingers are regressive, defenders and upholders of the past. In many cases they apparently even attempt to take a current situation and try to force it back into outdated modes and structures. From the liberal viewpoint, the conservatives stand in the way of progress, since "new" problems need "new" solutions. People operating below the Line, in a western time zone, find the liberals, on the other hand, to be starry-eyed dreamers. They regard them as malcontents seeking change merely for the sake of change. As far as the conservatives are concerned the liberals are full of crackpot ideas about how things should be fixed which, to them, aren't even broken. Conservatives believe everything is fine, except, of course, for those liberals who stir up problems with their strange notions about how things need to be changed.
I dearly hope each of you will have the wherewithal to hold onto yourselves and not take sides -- there are no sides to take. Life needs both conservatives and liberals; neither group is at fault and neither group is right. What I am speaking of has nothing to do with political philosophy; I am speaking of physical realities. I could liken it to an antique pendulum clock: in the top part of the clock is the mechanism which keeps time and displays the time changing, but you must have the weight at the bottom of the clock for the entire unit to function at all.
Within the "liberal" rhetoric of the progressives (that is, the general group representing the present time) you will find real indications of what is about to take place in that locale of Life's body; while the conservative verbiage (reflecting the areas below the Line) is always based upon the attempt to re-establish the validity of that which has gone before. But note: everything that Life says through the present time people is not necessarily going to come to pass, and everything the counterbalancing voices from below say is not absolute stupidity. Both voices are absolutely necessary.
Do not limit your use of these examples to politics, for such divisions exist in everything from literature to music; from your grandfather's opinions about what is wrong with the world today to your parent's comments about your generation. Internally as well: those of you who are long enough in the tooth have but to listen to the voices within you making disparaging comments about the teenagers of today. JC Talk 204