Diagram 075
Re Talk: 202, 234
Diagram # 075 photo
The "Great Yellow Monkey Wrench" approach/method (YMW): yellow circuit relation. The YMW is used to "tri-leg"--to force a third leg onto everything your observe with the binarily based senses. Make the binary into the triadal: the dual, good/bad basis of all perception must be forcefully split by the Yellow Monkey Wrench. Ref: old Diagram 1 with line drawn in below horizontal line representing the innate structure of all ordinary perception/facts containing an anti-element in order to exist--a fundamental division which must be "tri-legged" by the YMW: put a third leg on a two-legged fact. It doesn't matter what the 3rd leg is as long as it is not just a renaming of the other two. Of course remember that everything already has a third leg, thus any third leg is proper. JC talk 202