Diagram 068
Re Talk: 187
Diagram # 068 photo
Referring to the drawing, I want to hit a few areas. In this drawing Y = Yellow Circuit, B = Blue, and R = Red.
Remember all my maps always have some kind of flaw built into them. There is always a piece of something I leave out. If I didn't, This would be some kind of sermon. It would be "here is the truth; go forth, and live by it." I point out to you that this map, like my others, is not literally correct. It is a means to point you toward a specific area for your consideration. I have pointed out that most people generally take the activities of the Yellow Circuit as being consciousness. But there is something else -- there is an awareness of the circuits. If that were not so, you would not be here. There would be no religions, no dreams of mysticism. There would be no ideas of psychology.
Now let me point out a few things about the partnership that we are all apparently born into. It is this partnership which seems to be the other voice inside of you. By the time you reach the age of being able to talk you are in a partnership. There is you, and somebody else inside of you. Were it not for the verbal voice of this partnership, how would you know anything about personal dissatisfaction? How could you have any notion of individual suffering?
When ordinary people in our day and time want to think of themselves, when they want to confess and tell you what they think or feel, they are referring to the Yellow Circuit. That is what passes for consciousness; it is what ordinarily is referred to as the unique aspect of humanity. There is the feeling that in some way we are separate from the environment, that we are conscious of ourselves.
The sense of self-awareness is unique to man. A duck is not aware of itself, nor does it feel somehow separate from the environment. In conjunction with that, I have pointed out that man is the only creature with a Yellow Circuit. A dog has no Yellow Circuit. It cannot be aware of, nor remember, time. It has no verbalization. Forget any dreams that a dog's bark means something. It may mean something, but it has nothing to do with the memory of time. A dog cannot alter its memory.
So, consciousness could be well described as being a Yellow Circuit phenomenon. I grant you there could be no consciousness as we know it without the Yellow Circuit. But it is not limited to that. What passes for consciousness is an awareness of all the circuitry, but it is not a simple isolated phenomenon of the circuits being divisible. It is not as simple as my drawing the circuits in this kind of lineal fashion, in a vertical line on a two dimensional piece of paper.
There is an awareness of all the circuits. This would not be possible were it not for the Yellow Circuit, but once that is in place and operational, to a minimal level, there is an awareness of all the circuits. So you have two ways to look at it: you have the activities of the circuitry, and an awareness of that activity. What you have is the potential for a consciousness of dissatisfaction in any of the three circuits for each individual. Normally, there is one circuit that seems to be the basis for one's dissatisfaction. When the Yellow Circuit is uninvolved, it is almost entirely a phenomenon of Life's evolution. You have got to be fairly civilized to think you're going crazy. For example, let's say you were centered towards the higher circuits, and you were always concerned about the way you dressed, the clothes you wore, your table manners, the nature of life. If we moved down the street to a public housing division full of brick layers, truck drivers, ditch diggers, they do not have the same kind of civilized dissatisfaction with themselves and with Life. Although this is not literally true, I could say that the farther up your circuitry you have evolved, the more you are centered in the Yellow Circuit, the greater seems to be the hunger for even more. The greater your sense of dissatisfaction becomes. And it takes up a great deal of time being concerned with these dissatisfactions at the Yellow Circuit level. It's like the more you've got, the more you want. Let me remind you that nothing is wrong, nothing is broken. That is the way things are supposed to be. JC talk 187