Diagram 064
Re Talk: 119
Diagram # 064 photo
This drawing represents a three-dimensional, equal sided pyramid. For three-dimensional reality to unfold, the triangles must have open lines at the vertices. These open lines unfold into more triangles, which unfold into still more, etc.
Anything that you can apparently observe -- "events" -- have to be connected to other events. This is part of what I mean by "unfold." Picture the unfolding going on in three dimensions. Of course, a 3-D pyramid has four sides; to pass along energy the triad would be unfolding in four different dimensions. For now, ignore this unnamed fourth dimension.
For a triad to be connected to anything else, the lines at the vertices must be open and taut at the ends. Otherwise no energy can pass. An example of such a case where no energy is transmitted and no event takes place, is the driver on the interstate who says to his wife, "Well, now that you mention it, it seems like there was a wreck on the road today...I'm not sure, there's wrecks every day. Pass me the TV. guide." In this case the lines were loose. Energy did not pass through him; on the level of minor triads nothing further was produced. There must be a tautness between the event and the potential observer: "When I saw the orange car with that same bumper sticker, I almost died!" The event of seeing the accident and realizing that it might involve a loved-one unfolds into the event of getting out of the car to find out, which unfolds into the event of relief when the car belongs to someone else. After that point nothing further unfolds from the triad of the wreck. Of course, if the lines, the dividing and analyzation, had been relatively less taut, our traveler could have seen his wife's car and thought, "Well, that saves the cost of a divorce."
If you can picture the continuing manifestation of reality as the triads unfold, not forgetting C, D, and E flows, you can have a little exploratory fun. Picturing the triads in this way produces some interesting viewing angles. You will find that there is an operational mathematics within all phenomena -- and I am not speaking of kindergarten mathematics where one thing causes another. You've got to get beyond the lineal, so-called physical laws that apparently govern our 3-D reality.
Here's another way to look at events. An event is OAI's mechanical conception of the end of a line in a triad. But what really is the event? When did it start and when will it be over? Referring again to our highway example, how about the person in the wrecked car? What was his sense of time? Did his "event" start when he glanced away from the road? What was he looking at and why? Is the event over when the police get him out of the car? When the paramedics tell him he's O.K.? Or when his insurance premiums are increased?
The only way OAI can apparently be conscious of and remember an event is that everything finally comes to an end. It seems to OAI that a particular event finally just runs out of energy. "The insurance company finally settled." Or, "After six months in the hospital, I can walk again..." Everyone's memory tells them that things happened: "There was a beginning and an end; it happened to me. That's why I remember it." But it is just as true that one remembers it and causes it to happen. The memory and the event are simultaneous. JC talk 119