Diagram 063
Re Talk: 119
Diagram # 063 photo
Now I want you to Consider: What seems to be one's "I"? Is it a noun or a verb? Consciousness is a process; it is not a thing, but for the time being I am going to describe it as a triaxial thing. Until I change my description to one dealing with numbers I'm going to use words, and call the process OAI. This OAI process has three parts, and they are the minimal aspects needed for a person to be aware of something. The "O" is the Observing part -- functionally, no more than the magnetic attractions of consciousness -- the small parts that consciousness unavoidably pulls out of the whole, seamless totality. Anyone can immediately see that individual men can only concern themselves with extremely limited information at any one time. Right now, no matter how hard you try to be aware of your internal or external environment you might not notice the hum of the air conditioner, the person seated three seats down from you, particular odors or how comfortable your seat is. There simply are limits having to do with the mechanical, magnetic attraction of those parts that consciousness perceives within the whole. The attractions are mechanical; they are part of a general, non-personal force.
The "A" part is Analyzation -- a comparison of two systems or two forces. Analyzation divides, necessarily, in order to perceive. No perception occurs without analyzation/division. For instance, the "A" part of OAI may divide incoming data into that which "I" agrees with and that which it doesn't, or that which "I" approves of and that which it disapproves of, or what is reasonable to "I" and what is not. Consider, memory is not based upon indifference. An ordinary person might answer, "Of course, I have no indifferent memories. Why should I remember that which is boring?" And to that I'd say, "Aha!" And he'd say, "Aha to you, too." But you should find it very interesting that there are no indifferent memories.
The "I" part of OAI is the method of division to facilitate observation and analyzation. What if this function, this division, is all that your sense of individuality amounts to? Of course, the OAI processes happen all at once; I am breaking it up for you verbally to lead you to a dangerous edge. There is a mathematics concerning the OAI. The mathematics of ordinary, Line-level consciousness could be described as Not-I divided by I (Not-I / I). Whereas the mathematics to describe an extraordinary consciousness would be:
Not-I x ITTA
(Not-I times I Times Three Attempted)
If you can pursue this beyond words it will offer you a different look at the limitations of language, which are synonymous with the limitations of consciousness. Neuralizing is the attempt to take all Not-I and instead of dividing it by I, you multiply it by the factor of I x 3. I am speaking of something impossible at Line level; to be conscious at that level, everything must be divided by I. JC talk 119