Diagram 056
Re Talk: 172
Diagram #056 illustration
I will point out to you that every person has a birthplace: a "locale" where you were wired up. If there were a natural, prime candidate for This (which there is not: no one is a "perfect" candidate for This) it would be a person who had almost equal interests, as they were growing up, in the arts, in sports, and in intellectual pursuits. Or conversely, if anyone can figure this out, it would be a person who had no particular interest in anything. The latter type, however, most often ends up in a home or cave, but I just wanted to remind you that everything is the same, especially when it seems to be its opposite.
People who have almost equal interests are, to say the least, a rarity. Life does not produce, even on a limited basis, those who are proficient at and excited by intense physical activity and then go home to find the same joy in painting or strumming the guitar and later go to a night class in astro-physics. That is not the norm. Interest, once you understand it, equals talent and talent equals interest. But to do This Thing, you must extend the place of your birth.
All of you by now should be able to See your place of birth. "Yes, I grew up a Blue Circuit person. I was always nervous, easily frightened, my feelings hurt by the least little thing." Or someone else might say, "All my life I've been a rebel, a rough and tumble guy, even though I'm a girl." You've got to be able to expand where you were born; that is, to expand that which you naturally feel for, that which you care for, which is synonymous for "that which you understand". Everyone was born somewhere in the fictitious land inside the nervous system...the Alabama of the Red Circuit, a Chicago of the Blue Circuit, a New York of the Yellow Circuit. Anything that lies outside the city limits where you are naturally wired to live is irrelevant. "If it is not going on here, I have no feeling for it, I have no interest in it," "If all of the art museums in the world close down," sayeth the man in Alabama, "Big deal! We'll be better off -- more money for the new stadium."
I have often pointed out the necessity for a lateral expansion inside the upper level of the system. You should be feeding the intellect something that is for you, non-ordinary food: physics, mathematics, anything that requires mental effort.
But the need to expand is by no means limited to the Yellow Circuit. I have required that those actively involved in This, exercise every day...something more than running downhill for 30 minutes, acting like a plastic toy with pivot feet. In order for the Red Circuit to be truly exercised there has to be a burning of energy...the tempo and temperature of the entire organism has to change. The same thing happens when one exercises the Yellow Circuit...it is not all that mystical (the Blue Circuit becomes another matter, but we will touch on that later). Igniting higher areas in the nervous system, activating areas of the circuitry not necessary for humanity today, cannot be brought about by one-sided development of the system. (Even though man's expansion will be from the higher circuit, the Red Circuit will continue to operate as long as we are in this physical form, this dimension). In other words, there is no way to "think" yourself into some kind of enlightenment, because everything the Yellow Circuit can think, it has already thought. There is no way you can listen to me or anyone else saying, "My, my, yes, yes, how true, how outstanding. I'll wait for this all to sink in and someday I'll grow a new kind of brain." An unnatural development of one circuit cannot bring about the ignition of your own nervous system above the Line. Conversely, neither can you extend your development if you are estranged from any part of your current nervous system. You cannot say, "To hell with the body -- religious leaders have always told us that we would be closer to the gods if it weren't for our bodies getting hungry, getting horny, getting in the way of great thoughts." I have told you that it is not necessary to be a great athlete, but it is necessary that you have a kind of basic relationship with the igniters that are necessary to keep the Red Circuit functioning at a kind of minimal/maximum level...simply said, if you do not feed it properly and keep it happy, your efforts in This will be affected.
Your primary place of birth was in one of the three circuits, but all of you have a secondary circuit of some strength. No one of you could have been as lopsided as my archetypical examples: even though you may have been primarily a jock or primarily someone writing poems to an illusive stranger who would come rescue you from your mundane life. If you are properly drawn to This, you should have a secondary circuit in healthy operation.
To do This, you must find a kind of equilibrium and expand from the point in the system where you were born. Expand in all directions -- not just in the Yellow Circuit (which is the direction humanity is going). But run the expansion back down. It is as if you can go back and pick up what you've missed.