Diagram 044
Re Talk: 148
Diagram # 044 illustration
I have drawn the Life Company Building to represent three different levels: a Red level, a Blue level in the middle, and a Yellow level on top. This building exists in the ordinary binary world of Man. It exists both externally and internally, in an individual's circuitry. Each level has control of very specific operations. The Red level is in charge of mining, manufacturing, and distribution. The Blue is in charge of sales, advertising, and employee relations. And the Yellow department is in charge of research, development, and general management.
It is easy for humanity to overlook -- especially those who claim to be actively involved in spiritual pursuits -- the fact that everything is ultimately derived from this planet and everything eventually returns to its origins, to mother earth. It is only in the two upper levels of this building that you would find daydreams. Only in the upper levels will you find the non-edible, nonsexual aspects of one's life, the things that would not catch the eye of a pack rat. Within the upper stories exists the belief that they are the source of all that is creative. But the ultimate realization of every dream and plan requires that one go back to the mines, even for those plans originating from the Yellow Circuit. Yet ordinary consciousness continually forgets this. A person can be involved with almost pure, abstract plans of an avant garde nature, but whether they seem to be artistic or more involved with technical matters, for these ideas to leave the realm of "thinking of action" and shift into the world of "action", somebody has got to go back into the mines.
Within the Life Building, the Red level has lots of window space, smoke stacks, large doors for shipping and tunnels going into the earth for mining. The upper stories have only a few small windows. The Red level contains the union headquarters and all labor related activities, be it out there, if you are still binary or as part of your internal circuitry if you can See from an activated, higher circuitry. The Blue department takes care of all employee complaints and negotiations between the Yellow department management and the Red level workers. All conditional arrangements made between management and workers are made in the upper stories.
Another aspect of the structure and relationship between the three levels in the building that houses Life's Corporation is that at the lower Red level, there is a continual preaching going on about the absolute need for cooperation. The apparent desires of the individual must be submerged into the will of the workers, the larger group. While in the upper stories, there is the message of "Be ourselves". Here, a person hears he must operate on an individual level. The laboratories could produce no new, creative developments if they were tied to worrying what other people would think.
In so far as this whole Corporation exists in the circuitry of Life itself, and its own nervous system, there are areas of the world, be they village or nation, that are almost entirely involved with the Red department activities of mining, manufacturing, and distribution. Whereas other areas of the world are involved with activities that seem to belie that kind of cooperative spirit. In areas where the Red level predominates, there are few signs of originality or creativity manifested by the people. Any creative activity would demonstrate only a slight variation from previous material. What passes for art are slogans such as, "We have got to all work together and not have any strange ideas or dress."
Of course, I'm not talking about politics, art or buildings. You don't live in this building. This building is you. Everyone on this planet, all ordinary people and therefore all groups, have the three stories of Life's building operating at a kind of minimal degree. At the Red level, it may be just enough to get up in the morning, go to work, sit at a desk for eight hours and then go home to the television. Then at the Blue level, where the windows in the drawing are somewhat artistic, you see people involved in sales and advertising, the spokesmen between the two levels. You can see this structure within you, but you can also find it in what appears to not be you.
Another aspect of the Life Company Building is that all three of these departments keep their own filing system or records, by which I mean memory. In so far as words will go, they each have a separate memory system. Remember though that speaking about the Red Circuit or Yellow Circuit as separate entities is artificial and arbitrary because all three stories are connected in their operations. I have pointed out that all news seems to be bad news and all memory seems to be bad memory. Could this be because all memory seems to be either negative or surrounded by negativity? Even if the memory of an occurrence seems to be a pleasant reflection, it is just one step away from a connected, negative memory. In the structure of Life's Corporation building, muscles would be the ultimate support. As all three departments are connected, then too, are their record keeping systems so that all memory, no matter what seems to be its manifestation, is ultimately supported in the Red department by the muscles. Could it be that as muscles "think" about the past, they can only "think" about action and dread it?
In a quite real way, all memory is based upon the muscles. All dreams and plans, all the way to the top at the Yellow Circuit's research and development laboratories, immediately revert back to the mines. Without that, there is no action, there is only thinking of action. Muscles can remember one thing and that is movement, but what kind of fond memories do muscles have of movement? This is not belying the fun of physical movement, but when that is over, what memory would muscles have? Their memory can only be of action but only after the fact, and not while they are performing. JC Talk 148