Diagram 011
Re talk: 27, 28, 37,
Diagram #011A illustration
Diagram # 011B illustration
This diagram represents something specific. Picture the horizontal tube as a conduit for the energy of Life: the Primal, electrical flow of energy which contains the Three Forces, all forms of what I call the Life-of-Life with their aliveness. You
can see from the diagram that I have drawn man as open-ended, while I have represented all other systems as closed. These other systems include everything except man: birds, trees, mountains, and so on.
For form to be considered "alive," it must be accessible to the Primal Flow. And since man is the only creature, the only process, on this planet which is not closed-ended, then only man can be said to be truly alive. Because for something to live, to flourish, it must be capable of growth; it must be able to expand. Man alone possesses such a capacity. It is this gradual process of growth, this gradual expansion of the nervous system, that is at the heart of why no one at the ordinary level is ever satisfied; it is why no ordinary person can ever understand anything.
This growth of which I speak does not occur in a straight line. You have to picture expansion as a sphere, and then go into another dimension to begin to understand what I mean. But suffice it to say that the ordinary mind is incapable of such a spherical, dynamic perception. Any individual nervous system can only chop off pieces from the whole, slice up reality, and interpret those partial perceptions according to its particular wiring. That is why one person sees progress where another sees regression. But neither perception is correct. It is not that either is true or untrue; it is rather that each is incomplete. Life does grow, although on a scale that is incomprehensible to ordinary humanity. And it grows through man, because man is the only open-ended system in the organism of Life; it grows through what I have termed the Yellow Circuit of man -- that is, the intellect, the upper end of the nervous system.
A closed-ended system cannot expand. You have all read about scientists attempting to teach chimpanzees to speak, and similar experiments. There can be the appearance of some success, but I tell you that what happens does not come from the Yellow Circuit in chimpanzees, because they don't have one. Whatever happens arises from the lower circuitry. Life is not growing through rocks, or trees, or flowers, or cows, or chimpanzees. It is growing through man, and man alone. In a closed system, the energy reaches a certain point, and it takes form according to the limits of that closed system. That is all that is possible. That is what makes a tree a tree instead of a rhinoceros.