Diagram 002
Re talks: 6, 9, and 25
Diagram # 002A illustration
Diagram # 002B illustration
"The Horizontal Line of the Xross is not simply a line, and any description of it is partial, at best. The Line is where a person lands at birth. In the map of the nervous system, the base of the spine is where growth begins and the source of all energy. The top line represents the larger reality of humanity, its level of consciousness, as well as the ceiling of each individual's development. Everything known to humanity resides therein. The lower part of the diagram represents one person's body. The only ordinary source of energy is at the base of the spine. Each person begins as an embryo, and grows from the base of the spine. After birth he continues this nervous system extension, and growth then proceeds in another direction as well.
What people call "emotions" reside in the upper spinal end, the brain. The ordinary intellect functions in the upper circle below the ceiling of the Horizontal Line. And now, to refine the map further for you, within the area devoted to the ordinary intellect the entire diagram of the nervous system is repeated in this fashion: see diagram above.
This reproduced system is what's commonly called the brain. Inside the brain the entire history of each organism is reflected; in this reflection you can also learn to read the development of humanity.
If you were simply operating from the lower part of the spine, you would be like any other animal. A dog, for example, cannot think about his body. His foot is not something separate he thinks of as "my foot." A dog is equally conscious all over, as conscious in his foot as he is in his head. His consciousness of existing is within the totality of his body. In the area where the entire diagram is reflected in miniature lies man's uniqueness. Thus he can, for example, "think about his body." Let me impress upon you that this is truly astounding. Without this reflected area, you would not be able to discern separate physical, emotional, and intellectual functions.
Without this reflected area you are left with only the body and the passions of the body. You can't subtract one from three and get two. In this case, the remainder would be only one, because the emotions, as people experience them, are an integral part of the intellect. They are a reflection of the entire being, including the intellect, and cannot be separated from it. And they form a necessary bridge between the intellectual and physical functions, enabling the two to communicate. But, conversely, without the intellect there would be no human emotions. You would not expect devotion from a worm, or charity from a bird. Without the intellect you are left only with the body and its passions, which amount to no more than defense and physical orientation." JC talk 0006